Ok so no updates in a few days which is simply the fault of me being ridiculously tired and having no apparent reason for being so! Rylee went into a full body shed the other day and I thought it was so funny! Skin hanging off of him all over the place! I got an awesome picture of his chun flap hanging off his neck and was so excited to post it and then! noticed the lock was slid on my memory card and by the time I noticed he had already shed everything which sucks.. He has one spot on is back that hasn't shed but I'm not letting myself worry about it intil it looks like it is bothering him. So today I managed to get Rylee to let me pick him up and he didn;t hesitate or try to run away or anything and I was so happy! All I did before hand was stand next to his tank and talked to him while petting him on the head and neck. All I said was stupid stuff like "what a cute little dragon, you need to let me hold you more and calm down a bit so we can be friends and you not be such a jerk, ya you do." lol who knows maybe he understood me? Well now for some pictures I have taken over the past few days but haven't posted, a new "fuzzy" I gave him in hopes he will love it and sleep on it but so far no suck luck, just jumped on it when I fed him a worm, and lastly how he is currently sleeping as I type this entry, between two fake plants, suspended with nothing supporting his little tummy lol.