Sunday, January 3, 2010


Ok so on December 18th 2009, I bought myself a new pet. A lovable little baby bearded dragon I have named Rylee (he is too young at the moment to determine gender but I refer to it as a he because it makes like easier until I am proven otherwise) Now I decided to create this blog online in order to keep track of his life. After measuring him and trying to determine his age I have come to the conclusion I will set his birthday on November 20th 2009. He is a funny little guy eating loads of crickets and seems pretty healthy which has me very happy. When I first saw him in the store I fell in love and just HAD to have him. So i spent 600$ on him and all the supplies I needed for him, call me crazy if you want but it was love at first sight! lol! In the store he sat on my hand for almost an hour while the sales person told me all about bearded dragons and I thought it was amazing! However just over a week after I took him home he feels the need to be a daredevil and jump out of my hands onto the floor every chance he gets! He's done it twice already and I really hope he doesn't hurt himself! I've had a few road blocks with trying to find the proper lighting after discovering the supplies the kit came with are crap and could potentially blind him, but tomorrow morning bright and early my mother and I are heading out to the only store nearby (a city over!) that has an 18" ReptiSun 10.0 UBV light for him to setup his cage and all will be well :D I do however need to buy him some more crickets since he is turning into a true eating machine! My mother and I just installed a background on his tank 2 days ago and after staring at it all day yesterday the poor guy is now determined to jump into a log that he has not yet realized is part of the background and not actually there... Sorry for such a long post, m first entries always are very long because I'm trying to get everything updated! I will try and have an entry here once a day with stories about what happened in Rylee's life, but the only interesting one I have right now is two days ago for breakfast Rylee ate 30 crickets! It was ridiculous! Then as I was taking him out the handle for a little bit my mom mentions how he's going to have a really big poop compared to all the others after eating so much, well Guess what? The little bugger let out that famous big poop right on my hand! lol Guess he thought his mommy would enjoy a present! and now fir a picture of Rylee taken just a few hours ago! Rylee

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