Thursday, January 27, 2011


As per usual nothing much to say at all but I've got some pictures to share with you! Some are Rylee being adorable with a cricket sitting on her head, and some are her sleeping in a really dumb position I didn't understand how she could stay there and be comfortable lol. Also I made the mistake of painting my fingernails red and then trying to feed Rylee by hand, which If you've seen my video from a much earlier post you would know why this was a bad idea lol. Just got away before she tried to bite me! Picture time!
Baby on Mommy's stomach
Hanging off the stick
Sleeping barely on the stick
Rylee sleeping on stick
Oh Hai on head
Pet Cricket

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


After taking out Rylee to cuddle and having her freak out twice, I decided to let her run around my apartment, after a few minutes of running in circles she decided to climb on top of Wisp's carrying case and fall asleep. Of all the soft locations available this is the one she chose to climb on lol. I got pictures and I also got pictures of her eating some Raspberries that I just took about an hour ago. Also one final kind of funny comment, I don't care how calm Rylee is, how much I trust her, can poke her in the face and not be afraid of her biting, when she yawns not even an inch away from your face, its terrifying! lol
I can't cuddle just one
Hanging Out
Rylee on Wisp's Carrier
Omnomnom Raspberry
Do Want Raspberry
Raspberry Lick

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Very short post with no news. Simply wanted to share the pictures of my little dinosaur while she sat on my lap and eyed my celery while I ate it. Now I'm not cruel! I offered her some, but she refused. Guess she just likes watching lol.
Little Dinosaur Cuddling
Eyeing my Celery
Whats up?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years

Been so sick and distracted since Christmas I haven't been able to take many pictures of Rylee or my other reptiles this break but I promise when I return to Toronto next week they will return and show up on a way more regular basis again, I do have two simple ones to share right now and Rylee wishes you all a happy new year!
Rylee says Happy New Year
Cuddles with Rylee